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A cluster is a loosely-connected group of locations that make appearances in Submachine Universe.


Clusters are characterized by the presence of one-way karma portals between locations. When using a karma portal, the user cannot immediately return to the previous location until they have cycled through all linked locations.

Developer Mateusz Skutnik has officially described them as such with the release of the cluster tied to the brainwave basement:

“One last thing:

If you'd like to know the name of the structure your locations are in, it's: cluster. In this instance it's the Jatsko Cluster.

Because it's not one location, it's four, and they're connected in a loop. Yeah, THE LOOP gets a new meaning with introduction of cluster loops.”
— Mateusz Skutnik, Pastel Forum[1]

So far there has only been one cluster found in the Subnet, the Jatsko Cluster, named after forum user Jatsko.

Sorting conventions[]

Locations connected in a cluster are accompanied by single-ended arrows ( → ) in their respective infoboxes. The addition of clusters necessitated a switch and delineation between single arrows and double arrows ( ↔ ), as there now is a distinction between one-way and two-way karma portals.

Clusters are categorized by their starting/ending XYZ coordinate. For example, the Jatsko Cluster "originates" at 438, then continues (in order) to jat, jko, and jsk.

Known clusters[]

See also[]


  1. Forum post, Feb 10, 2017 5:14 pm