Submachine Wiki

The cog wheel is a recurring item in the Submachine series, appearing in Submachines 2, 8, 9 and 10.

Submachine 2[]

Cog wheel sub2

The cog in Submachine 2 is a small, 13 toothed grey cog, and is used in the megaphone.

Submachine 8[]

Cog wheel

The cog from submachine 8 is an orange 8 toothed rusty cog.

Submachine 9[]

Cog wheel sub9

The cog in submachine 9 is a glowing green karma-esque cog with one of eight teeth missing.

Submachine 10[]

Small cog wheel sub10
Large cog wheel sub10

The large and small cogs from submachine 10 are both rust orange, the smaller having 16 teeth, with the larger having 32 and an arrow on it
