Submachine Wiki
The Spike Room

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442 ↔ wrt
V2.5 (2012-04-25)

The spike room is a location in Submachine Universe.


The location seems to be placed on a large pillar that is attached to an unseen beam or platform, curved on its lower part. The pillar is cracked and distorted from the nearby karma portal. The pillar can be traversed via a ladder, composed of metallic bars encrusted on the surface of the pillar. There are also some holes in each side of the structure which appear to be part of a rudimentary system of ventilation, which might imply that the pillar is hollow.

The pillar is between two sets of protrusions, made of ivory or other similar material, in the form of claws or teeth, protruding at regular intervals from two large vertical walls where a strange sun-like symbol is repeated. On the opposite side of the portal is the theory "Submachine Earth Theory", by RedX36.


Wrt map


  • The room was discovered by Vurn, a Pastel Forum user.
  • It is unknown what the coordinates wrt mean.
  • The general look of the area might resemble a tongue inside of the mouth of some sort of mechanical creature.
  • It is unknown how the player manages to get to the other side of the room. It could be that there is a gravitational shift (Like in the Escher room), or that the player is just skillful with climbing curved ladders.
  • It is possible that this location is physically behind the watchtower, as a very similar structure can be seen in the background in that location. There are differences, however, such as the spikes being displaced.

See also[]

Submachine Universe locations
Alphanumerical Order
0-- 000001002006010011043051076
1-- 100103104128157185192
2-- 218232241245258277291
3-- 304314316317355378399
4-- 404411438442452461462472
5-- 513523529541550551552553555580596
6-- 601613614616628642666672690
7-- 712728731747757770777
8-- 800806815837840859875888
9-- 902917923947950966987992
Karma/other portal types aelaqaawybrgbrkbtncatchmchrdeffarfmafsrfurgloglxgzbhplixtjatjkojskjtsjuljvpkarkimkollavlcrmlpmntnpgobsottoxtpbuptlrcrsblspnswtszatbkthbv12wiqwrtzwo
Clue/Karma Portal Flowchart
From 000 051 523 277 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
aqa jts -- -- -- -- -- -- --
npg glo -- -- -- -- -- -- --
917 011 128 987F -- -- -- -- -- --
sbl -- -- -- -- -- --
317 461T,HG brk -- -- -- -- --
806HG cat ael -- -- -- --
mlp -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
076 304A -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
875 232 550 672HR 555 -- -- -- -- --
731 awy -- -- -- -- -- --
lcr -- -- -- -- -- --
zwo -- -- -- -- -- -- --
580B 411 553HR 992E -- -- -- -- --
btn 888 -- -- -- -- --
541 218 006 404 010HG -- -- -- -- -- --
rcr -- -- -- -- -- --
616 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
666 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
757 185B -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
551 462 104 002C -- -- -- -- -- -- --
800C,D -- -- -- -- -- -- --
chm -- -- -- -- -- -- --
ott -- -- -- -- -- -- --
fma -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
747 452 770 043V ixt -- -- -- -- --
swt fsr -- -- -- -- -- --
728 552D kar -- -- -- -- -- --
pbu thb 950 -- -- -- --
sza -- -- -- -- -- -- --
628T gzb 245 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
far -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
399S 712 258S 947 777E -- -- -- -- --
923T -- -- -- -- --
v12 -- -- -- -- -- --
spn -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
642 100A fur -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
From other puzzles A THIS + FI 442 103E kol 614 glx -- -- -- --
def brg -- -- -- -- --
wrt -- -- -- -- -- -- --
B -- THIS + TI 902 241G -- -- -- -- -- --
C -- -- THIS + WY 690V -- -- -- -- -- --
D -- -- THIS - WX 529V 840 513 -- -- -- --
HG -- -- -- Horiz. green lights 966G,H wiq obs tbk -- --
V -- -- -- Vertical lights 596 001 613 157F -- --
chr 316 -- --
jul 192 ptl --
T -- -- -- -- Triangle lights 378H hpl lav -- --
oxt -- --
G -- -- -- -- NI - THIS 601HR,S -- -- -- --
HR -- -- -- -- -- Horiz. brown lights 837H -- -- --
S -- -- -- -- -- Sewing machine videos 438 jat jko jsk
H -- -- -- -- -- -- AX / BX 472E -- --
859E -- --
F -- -- -- -- -- -- -- THIS - QI 355 jvp
E -- -- -- -- -- -- -- RI + KI 291 mnt
Non-Clue 314 815