This is the list of all the changes so far of the Subnet.
Subnet, currently known as Submachine Universe, is on version 4.5.5 with 130 locations, 65 theories, 16 notes, 62 images, 7 videos, and 41 items (30 unique).
V0.0.0 (2009)[]
- White interface added saying that Subnet is coming up.
- Subnet currently known as SEP (Submachine Exploration Project).
V1.0.0 (June 8, 2010)[]
- Subnet released
- First 50 locations
- 000
- 001
- 006
- 010
- 043
- 076
- 100
- 103
- 104
- 185
- 218
- 232
- 241
- 258
- 291
- 304
- 314
- 317
- 378
- 399
- 404
- 411
- 442
- 461
- 472
- 541
- 550
- 553
- 555
- 580
- 601
- 628
- 642
- 666
- 672
- 712
- 747
- 757
- 770
- 777
- 806
- 815
- 837
- 859
- 875
- 902
- 923
- 947
- 966
- 992
- First 23 Theories
- JackO's 4th Dimension Net Theory (006)
- 001010's Artificial Life Theory (010)
- Death Road's Safe Haven Theory (076)
- Death Road's Human Target Theory (076)
- Death Road's Submurchine Theory (076)
- Disco Mc Disco's Paired Gem Theory (185)
- A1ex_TC99's Murnet Theory (232)
- DespEro's Project Theory (241)
- Isobel the Sorceress: In your mind Theory (258)
- Les Paul166's Cipher Theory (378)
- Chaos' Report #173 (399)
- Anteroinen's Bells as part of the Defense Systems Theory (404)
- Marbles' Normal Submachine Theory (411)
- Dr. NotSoNice's Flaming Monkey Theory (550)
- Sakuya Neko's Wave Collapse Expansion Theory (553)
- DVanisAwesome's Submachine As Perpetual Maze Theory (555)
- ILUVSubmachine0920's Murt's Story Theory (601)
- AK's Dimensional Pathway Theory (628)
- Zombyrus' Meaningless Theory (672)
- Robobrain's Edge as Boundary Theory (757)
- Submachine AL's Human Testers Theory (875)
- Starks Hayter's Karma and Portals Theory (966)
- Strange Planet's Karmic Civilization Theory (992)
- First 4 notes
- Subbot Sketches note (100)
- Sanctuary note (291)
- Mover note (317)
- Gem Harvester note (947)
- First 22 images
- Death Road photography (076)
- TheVoid's 4 Subbot Sketches (100)
- Kent Falls photography (232)
- Daniel Chavez's 8 3D Mover Models (317)
- 4 Broadcasting Dish photographies (541)
- 2 Submarine photographies (777)
- 2 UV-76 photographies (837)
- First 2 videos
- Submachine 2 ending video (580)
- Submachine 2's Sketch intro video (902)
- First item
- Crimson key (747)
- Green Interface added
- Subnet currently know as SNEE (Submachine Network Exploration Experience)
- Total
- 50 locations
- 23 theories
- 4 notes
- 22 images
- 2 videos
- 1 item
V2.0.0 (June 15, 2010)[]
- Big technical update for fixing the black death screen bug
- Sub Warp Loader added
- 1 new location
- 002
- Total
- 51 locations
V2.1.0 (June 17, 2010)[]
- 2 new locations
- 551
- 552
- 1 new theory
- The Void's Submachine Manipulates Time Theory (551)
- Total
- 53 locations
- 24 theories
V2.2.0 (June 19, 2010)[]
- 7 new locations
- 452
- 462
- 529
- 596
- 690
- 728
- 800
- 2 new theories
- Asterisky's Essence Theory (596)
- Zephirius Jixx's No Goal Theory (690)
- 5 new images
- 5 secret photographies (728)
- Locations updated with clues
- 000
- 002
- 043
- 104
- 551
- 552
- 747
- Total
- 60 locations
- 26 theories
- 27 images
V2.2.1 (June 24, 2010)[]
- Removal of a plate containing 043 clue due the already existing one in 770
- 550 color changed
V2.3.0 (September 19, 2010)[]
- 10 new locations
- 011
- 051
- 128
- 157
- 277
- 355
- 523
- 613
- 917
- 987
- 14 new theories
- Pyro Dude's Karma Theory (011)
- Zerpentos´ Coordinate Systems Theory (051)
- Sub-Program 32's Subnet Editing Theory (128)
- TDDP's Meaning of the Submachine Theory (157)
- Raxas' Number Station Theory (277)
- Alamos' Mur's AI Theory (355)
- 5 theories from an anonymous user (523)
- Into the Void's Arch Theory (613)
- Smartguy5000's Portal Workings Theory (917)
- SubHunter's Unhabited Theory (987)
- 2 new notes
- Entrypoints note (355)
- Falling note (613)
- 5 new images
- Daniel Chavez's 2 3D portal models (011)
- 3 spatial diagrams of portal coordinates (051)
- 11 new items
- 9 Wisdom gems (010, 185, 241, 917 & 947)
- Laboratory Key (277)
- Weight Stone (523)
- 051 added to 000 computer
- 001 expanded
- Wisdom gems can be grabbed
- Empty location bug fixed (011)
- Fixed blank coordinates bug (404)
- 666 clue edited out of Void's theory (551)
- Screen shacking lamp bug fixed (859)
- Spear´s sound changed (from Sub0/Sub5 version to Sub32)
- REV sizes lowered
- Total
- 70 locations
- 40 theories
- 6 notes
- 32 images
- 12 items (4 unique)
V2.4.0 (April 8, 2011)[]
- 6 new locations
- BTN (411)
- CAT (806)
- HPL (378)
- V12 (258)
- ZWO (232)
- 3 new thories
- Weary With Toil's Klein Bottle Theory (BTN)
- OnyxIonVortex's Einstein The Cat Theory (CAT)
- 12Vegeta12's Purpose Theory (V12)
- 1 new image
- Carolita Villada's Wall image (HPL)
- Karma Portals added
- 258 expanded
- Energy pipe bug fixed (947)
- Room erasing bug fixed (917 and 923)
- REV sizes lowered
- Total
- 76 locations
- 43 theories
- 33 images
V2.4.1 (September 20, 2011)[]
- 1 new location
- KOL (103)
- 1 new thoery
- Navy Officer's Karma and Gems Theory (KOL)
- Total
- 77 locations
- 44 theories
V2.4.2 (November 2011)[]
- 523 ravaged
- 5 less theories from anonymous user (523)
- Ghost animation bug fixed (552)
- First attempt to fix searchlight feedback bug (241)
- First attempt to fix button bug (917)
- Total
- 39 theories
V2.4.3 (November 2011)[]
- Pitch bug fixed in 291 and 806
V2.4.4 (December 2011)[]
- Pitch bug fixed in 103
V2.4.5 (Early 2012)[]
- Fixed missing Karma Portal in 806
- KOL drop zone and ambient glitches fixed
- New ambient for KOL
V2.5.0 (April 25, 2012)[]
- 2 new locations
- FMA (462)
- WRT (442)
- 7 new theories
- 5 Re-added theories from anonymous user (523)
- Dark Rose's Unnamed Theory (FMA)
- REDX36's Earth Theory (WRT)
- 523 Rebuilded
- 011 Updated with ID plates on every corner room
- Total
- 79 locations
- 46 theories
V2.6.0 (October 2012)[]
- 2 new locations
- CHM (104)
- IXT (043)
- 2 new theories
- Xenyth's Theory of the Evolution of the Submachine and the Worlds within the Gems (CHM)
- Mr.Eman's SubHistory Theory (IXT)
- Total
- 81 locations
- 48 theories
V2.7.0 (December 24, 2012)[]
- 2 new locations
- 316
- CHR (001)
- 3 new images
- Mateusz Skutnik's Christmas images (316)
- 1 new item
- Valve (CHR)
- Blue Interface Added
- Total
- 83 locations
- 36 images
- 13 items (5 unique)
V2.7.1 (December 30, 2012)[]
- 1 less theory from anonymous user (523)
- 291 updated
- Sanctuary note updated (291)
- Total
- 47 theories
V3.0.0 (January 26, 2013)[]
- 7 new locations
- 192
- 614
- 888
- JUL (001)
- MNT (291)
- GLX (614)
- PTL (192)
- 3 new theories
- Rapidraccoon808's Submachine Theory of its Existence (614)
- Prupp's Mur's Workshop Theory (888)
- Prupp's Memento Theory (888)
- 1 new note
- Suicide note (MNT)
- 3 new images
- Julia Tusz's 2 pipes images (JUL)
- Cosmic Dawn (GLX)
- 1 new Video
- Massive Black Hole (GLX)
- 1 new item
- 2nd Weight Stone (010)
- 001 expanded
- 258 expanded
- 006 updated
- REV sizes lowered
- Ambients shortened
- 006
- 051
- 258
- 317
- 378
- 411
- 472
- 601
- 875
- 902
- 947
- 966
- Ambients extended
- V12
- Ambients Changed
- 128
- 304
- 461
- 550
- 555
- 777
- New display for photographies
- 902 video updated
- Clue plates modified
- 100
- 104
- 157
- 800
- Several Graphic error fixing
- 051
- 241
- 461
- 462
- 550
- 551
- 461 color changed
- New Sounds
- New effect when tring to put "THIS" in the portal.
- Portal Graphics changed
- New portal hues for 672 (Yellow) and 992 (Blue)
- New portal look for 555 and 690
- Symbols added to the Coordinate Systems Theory (051)
- Zerpentos label readded to the spatial diagrams of portal coordinates (051)
- Searchlight Feedback bug fixed (241)
- Button bug fixed (917)
- Drop Zone bug fixed
- Spear´s sound changed (Quality drop)
- Blue Sub Warp Loader Added
- Location Coordinates deleted from Karma Portal Loaders
- Drop Zone deleted
- Letter to Mur added to 728
- Sub7 and Sub8 notes added (859)
- Total
- 90 locations
- 50 theories
- 7 notes
- 39 images
- 3 videos
- 14 items (5 unique)
V3.0.1 (February 2013)[]
- Sub Warp Loader bug fixed
- Secret item bug fixed (001)
- 304 graphic error fixed
V3.0.2 (February 2013)[]
- 523 wiped
- 4 less theories from anonymous user (523)
- Pitch bug fixed in 523
- Invisible empty plate bug fixed (815)
- Total
- 46 theories
V3.1.0 (October 2013)[]
- Interface name changed to Submachine Universe
- Subnet currently known as SubVerse (Submachine Universe)
V3.1.1 (October 2013)[]
- Background bug fixed in loaders and in locations 806 and 875
- Release date added to the interface (June 8 2010)
V3.1.2 (February 2, 2014)[]
- 1 new location
- BRK (461)
- 1 new note
- Watcher note (BRK)
- Liz's Room lamp readded (461)
- Total
- 91 locations
- 8 notes
V3.2.0 (June 6, 2014)[]
- 3 new locations
- 731
- AWY (731)
- LCR (731)
- 1 new note
- Excerpts from H. P. Lovecraft's "The Shadow out of Time" (LCR)
- 3 new images
- Aiden Wylie's 3 Submachine dimensional structure images (AWY)
- 2 new items
- Pyramid Key (378)
- Shutter Switch (LCR)
- 232 expanded
- REV sizes lowered
- Total
- 94 locations
- 9 notes
- 42 images
- 16 items (7 unique)
V3.2.1 (June 8, 2014)[]
- New item
- Valve (628)
- Fonts changed in notes and theories
- 010
- 232
- 277
- 378
- 628
- 947
- Bricks added in 218 and 462 walls
- Layer switching sound added in 628 device
- Extra pipes added in 947
- Water dropping sound added in 947
- New look for Weight stone
- New display for multiple items
- Total
- 17 items (7 unique)
V3.2.2 (June 9, 2014)[]
- Jammed Drawers bug fixed (000)
- Lamp Frame color fixed (552)
- Graphical updates in JUL
V3.2.3 (June 10, 2014)[]
- Graphic errors fixed in 277 and 875
- Missing "Scroll up" description added in 757
- Moving digit bug fixed (917)
- Off-line portal bug fixed (917)
- Several BREB fixing
- 000
- 043
- 523
- 642
- 666
- 800
- Wonky digits errors fixed
- 011
- 043
- 104
- 452
- 529
- 555
- 596
- 800
- Stone door sound in 103 updated
- Clue in 523 moved to the area below the arch.
- 541 machine updated (Pressing the buttons turn on/off the screens)
- "Of Mur and Einstein" note added in 728
- Fonts changed in notes and theories
- 011
- 596
- 728
- 757
- 859
- 875
- 917
V3.2.4 (June 11, 2014)[]
- Server load bug fixed (442)
- Fonts changed in notes and theories
V3.2.5 (June 13, 2014)[]
- New item
- Notebook (000)
- Several bug fixing
- "Knives" symbols replaced for the Aiden Wylie initials (AWY)
- Total
- 18 items (8 unique)
V3.2.6 (September 6, 2014)[]
- 043 and 128 graphic errors fixed
- Room warping bug fixed (043)
- Bells postition changed in 043
- Bell's cube animation slowed in 043
- Ambients Changed
- 043
- 104
- 770
V3.2.7 (September 7, 2014)[]
- Corrupted Theory Bug fixed (128)
- Fonts changed in notes and theories
- 128
V3.3.0 (September 14, 2014)[]
- 1 new location
- RCR (404)
- 2 new theories
- Rulocore's Sectors Theory (RCR)
- Rulocore's Heptapolar Crunch Theory (RCR)
- 7 new images
- Rulocore's 7 Submachine Maps
- 859 updated with Sub9 notes and objects from SubFLF, Sub32, Sub7, Sub8 and Sub9
- Spear's sound changed back to Sub32's version
- Fonts changed in notes and thoeries
- 404
- Total
- 95 locations
- 48 theories
- 51 images
V3.3.1 (September 15, 2014)[]
- Added missing sound for 859 circular device
V3.4.0 (September 18, 2014)[]
- 4 new locations
- 245
- KAR (552)
- MLP (051)
- OTT (104)
- 2 new theories
- Wanderer99's unnamed theory (245)
- Wanderer99's Murtaugh Recruitment Theory (245)
- 8 new images
- Gregory's Submachine cake photography (245)
- Asia Sliwiak's 2 weight machine photographies (672 & 806)
- Karina Jarzinska's 2 Layer perspective gates photographies (KAR)
- Hannah Ott's and Nadine Dreyer's 3 Sub8 lamp photographies (OTT)
- 2 new videos
- 2 Sewing machine videos (258 & 399)
- 1 new item
- Copper plate (355)
- Video displayers added in 258 and 399
- Weight Machines added in 672 and 806
- 051 and 104 updated and expanded
- Locations updated with clues
- 628
- Graphical updates
- 837
- Bell's cubes have bold edges
- 104
- 404
- Fonts changed in notes and theories
- 051
- 258
- 355
- 399
- 628
- 672
- Total
- 99 locations
- 50 theories
- 59 images
- 5 videos
- 19 items (9 unique)
V3.5.0 (September 20, 2014)[]
- 1 new location
- WIQ (966)
- 1 new theory (split into two parts in different spots)
- World Is Quiet's Unnamed Theory (WIQ)
- 1 new image
- World is Quiet's drawing (WIQ)
- 1 new video
- Blurred sewing machine video (601)
- 1 new item
- Piece of chalk (WIQ)
- 006 graphic error fixed
- 304 clue plate modified
- 553 metal plates with bolder contour
- 601 expanded
- Candle animation updated (601)
- Inscription added in 966 statue
- HPL graphic error fixed
- REV sizes lowered
- Graphical updates
- 076
- 104
- 399
- 461
- 523
- 690
- 888
- Fonts changed in notes and theories
- 006
- 010
- 076
- 100
- 157
- 185
- 232
- 241
- 277
- 291
- 304
- 317
- 378
- 550
- 551
- 553
- 601
- 613
- 614
- 690
- 888
- 966
- 987
- 992
- V12
- Images updated
- 011
- 100
- 541
- 712
- 728
- 837
- Total
- 100 locations
- 51 theories
- 60 images
- 6 videos
- 20 items (10 unique)
V3.5.1 (September 22, 2014)[]
- Frozen mechanical hand bug fixed (WIQ)
- Coat hanger graphic error fixed (859 & WIQ)
V3.5.2 (September 27, 2014)[]
- 051 theory fixed
- 770 graphic error fixed
V3.5.3 (January 2015)[]
- Game loader updated
- Graphical updates for Karma Portal loader
- 553 graphic error fixed
V3.6.0 (June 17, 2015)[]
- 1 new location
- SBL (128)
- 5 new theories
- Sublevel's Human Mind Theory (SBL)
- 4 theories re-added from anonymous user (523)
- 2 new images
- Ewgeny Sachinov's Wooden Submachine Lever Tablet (SBL)
- Ewgeny Sachinov's Wooden MAP Symbol Tablet (SBL)
- 1 new item
- Propeller Blade (128)
- 128 expanded
- 523 restored
- Total
- 101 locations
- 56 theories
- 62 images
- 21 items (11 unique)
V3.6.1 (June 18, 2015)[]
- Graphic errors fixed
- 103
- 304
- 541
- 728
V3.7.0 (November 11, 2016)[]
- Encrypted Location System
- Sound on/off button
- Help button
- Loading errors fixed in 523 and 552
- Graphic error fixed in 770
V3.7.1 (November 12, 2016)[]
- Ambient glitch fixed in 580
V3.7.2 (November 14, 2016)[]
- Ambient glitches fixed
- 472
- 552
- 815
- 837
- 902
- Fixed missing karma portal in 104
- All karma portal debris move when pointed (including those left by the karma seal in 731)
- Camera drones in 317 and 902 detect and move when pointed
- 859 updated with elements and notes from Sub10
V3.7.3 (November 15, 2016)[]
- Interface switched from white to "Karma Blue"
- Sub warp loader removed, replaced with a new loader
V3.7.4 (November 28, 2016)[]
- 4 theories removed from anonymous user (523)
- Total
- 52 Theories
V3.7.5 (January 11, 2017)[]
- Ambient on/off button
V3.7.6 (January 21, 2017)[]
- Fixed 757 clue in 541 being barely noticeable
V4.0.0 (January 25, 2017)[]
- Transition to Offline HD
- New Main Menu
- Sub10 style in-game menu
- Disclaimer added to Online version.
- 2 new locations
- NPG (523)
- SZA (728)
- 1 new item
- Plasma Vial (523)
- Locations extended
- 523
- 728
- Missing sound added to Subbot container (859)
- Total
- 103 locations
- 22 items (12 unique)
V4.5.0.0 (February 9, 2017)[]
- Major Technical overhaul:
- New display for notes and theories.
- Removal of note and theory related screens.
- Tooltip detects items in screen.
- Smoother animations.
- 4 new locations
- 438
- JAT (438)
- 3 new theories
- Jatsko's World War Theory (JAT)
- Jatsko's Eighth Layer Theory (JKO)
- Jatsko's Interlaced Cube Theory (JSK)
- 1 new note
- Crossing Class KPS (JKO)
- 5 new items
- 2 Soaps (000 & 875)
- Karmic Vial (104)
- Bell Cube (404)
- Weight Companion Stone (PTL)
- Clues added to sewing machine video devices (258, 399 & 601)
- Clues in videos (580 & 902) manifest as soon the video ends
- Removed coordinates from theories and notes
- 051
- 100
- 157
- 277
- 399
- 613
- 614
- Research Lab designation number changed (000)
- XYZ Portal in main menu replaced for computer in 000
- Main menu no longer displays version number nor dates.
- Stone slide puzzle from Sub4 re-implemented in 104.
- Oval number displays have updated graphics and order changed to left-top-right.
- Graphical updates for bells (001, 043, 104, 404 & 800)
- Changes in carvings
- "II" Carving in 104 moved out of bell stand and placed on wall.
- "CIII" Carving in 442 made lighter for more visibility.
- Bell stand carvings have been removed from all stands except in 001 which currently has the "open" designation.
- Carving in 006 and 192 is currently designated as "triumph" and glows blue when puzzle is solved.
- "AW" carvings in AWY relocated in different positions within the pictures.
- Graphic updates for coffee mugs (000 & WIQ)
- Loop device in 596 shows an "X" when operated
- 815 rooms loop
- Sound updates
- Button sound in 000 door
- Barrel sliding sound in 010
- Soaps are now collectible
- Fixed menu-triggered black screen of death
- Fixed missing item tooltip glitch
- Room warping bug fixed in 104
- Fixed Off-set screen pointer in 672
- Fixed 800 window screens missing return trigger
- Graphic Errors fixed
- 404
- Total
- 107 locations
- 55 theories
- 10 notes
- 27 items (16 unique)
V4.5.0.1 (February 10, 2017)[]
- 2 new theories
- Jatsko's yt_data_code1 (438)
- Jatsko's yt_data_code2 (438)
- Ambient Changes
- 000
- 731
- Added Missing Sounds
- Layer Switching sound in 628 & WIQ
- Lighthouse second floor doors in WIQ
- Barrel in 837
- Grating glitch fixed (001)
- Green horizontal lights glitch fixed (461)
- Total
- 57 theories
V4.5.0.2 (February 11, 2017)[]
- Removal of duplicate clues in 411 and 462.
V4.5.0.3 (February 13, 2017)[]
- Theory Replacement
- Jatsko's World War Theory replaced with Character Connections Speculation (JAT)
- Jatsko's Eight Layer Theory replaced with light_theory.txt (JKO)
- NavyOfficer's Karma And Gems Theory replaced with Karma Gems Report (KOL)
- Changes in 076
- Projector's buttons now animate when used.
- Projector's beam changed from white to "Karma Blue" and bends when crossing the XYZ Portal.
V4.5.1.0 (June 10, 2017)[]
- 4 new locations
- 629 (628)
- PBU (552)
- 1 new note
- On Karmic Infusion note (THB)
- 1 new item
- Lever Handle (CAT)
- 628 different layers now count as separate locations (628 & 629)
- XYZ portal in 628 alt layer (629) has been replaced by a pedestal with a brass bowl.
- Secret Pedestal replaced with a Karma Portal Stabilizer in 552.
- Graphical updates on Root's light posts (103, 552 & 992)
- CAT expanded
- Removed coordinates and clues from theories in the Jatsko Cluster.
- Total
- 111 locations
- 11 notes
- 28 items (17 unique)
V4.5.1.1 (June 12, 2017)[]
- 629 coordinate changed to "GZB" in order to fix bugs with the XYZ portal.
- Removed coordinates and clues from pictures in RCR.
- Notes modified so all mentions of Submachine as relating to the game titles (e.g. "Submachine 5", "Sub4", "Sub_2", etc.) are changed to simply "S" (e.g. "S6") or something similar when necessary in order to remove self-references to the games as simply games.
V4.5.2.0 (September 19, 2017)[]
- 2 new locations
- 840
- 950
- 1 new theory
- OnyxIonVortex's Kaluza-Klein Layer Theory (CAT) [Replaces other theory position]
- 1 new note
- Unknown Layer note (840)
- 1 new item
- Sigil (840)
- Addition of clue plates (529 & THB)
- New carvings and graphic updates in WIQ (Ladder location and Chalk Box)
- Prop changes in 628
- Mug replaced with Aperture Mug
- Water in bottle replaced with wine
- Graphic updates in 987
- Total
- 113 locations
- 58 theories
- 12 notes
- 29 items (18 unique)
V4.5.3.0 (November 6, 2017)[]
- 5 new locations
- 513
- AQA (523)
- SPN (399)
- 2 new theories
- Samrux's Metaphysical Theory (AQA)
- Jatsko's yt_data_code3 (438)
- 4 new items
- Sigil (SPN)
- Stone Plate (513)
- Tile B (LAV)
- Tile C (JSK)
- Changes in 523
- Statues Removed
- Clue moved to the wall
- Magnifying Glass Machine replaced with an unknown Gauger Machine
- Changes in 840 screen with barrel
- Barrel is now movable, reveals clue plate
- A Stone Skull is placed on the left of the room
- Graphic updates on HPL stand and expansion of the location
- 399 Expanded
- Karma Antennaes added to various locations
- 001
- 185
- 245
- 277
- 291
- 672
- 840
- 859
- 950
- Total
- 118 locations
- 60 theories
- 33 items (22 unique)
V4.5.4.0 (December 20, 2017)[]
- 12 new locations
- 616
- DEF (103)
- FUR (100)
- JVP (355)
- KIM (291)
- SWT (452)
- 6 new theories
- Redafro's Submachine Plan, Knot, And Beamer Theory (461)
- Pied Piper's Karma Theory (840)
- Azareus' 4th Dimension Teleporters Theory (FUR)
- Rooster5man's Corpses-Portal Theory (FSR)
- Cone's Life Energy Theory (GLO)
- FedericoF's "Ancient People" Absorbed In The Submachine theory (MLP)
- 1 new note
- David Stark's "Irenaeus on 666 and 616" (218)
- 1 new video
- Desert 2.0 [Ending] (OBS)
- 8 new items
- 2 Dragon Tongues (614 & MNT) [each counted as a separated item]
- Karmic Chalk (KIM)
- Karmic Vessel (FUR)
- Karmic Water (TBK)
- Lever Rod (AWY)
- Tile A (TBK)
- Tile D (BRG)
- Several locations expanded or refurbished with new screens/devices/furnishings/controls
- 000 (New devices only)
- 100 (Refurbished)
- 103 (Expanded)
- 218 (Expanded)
- 314 (Refurbished)
- 317 (Refurbished)
- 355 (Expanded)
- 666 (Refurbished)
- MNT (Refurbished)
- WIQ (Expanded)
- Drawers in various locations became openable
- 076
- 472
- 840
- Addition of small plates crediting ambient authors (Below are locations that didn't have them before)
- SBL (This one had it before, but with a different label)
- "About" note updated, and only appears after game completion
- Karma portal design updated
- Total
- 130 locations
- 66 theories
- 13 notes
- 7 videos
- 41 items (30 unique)
V4.5.4.1 (December 22, 2017)[]
- 1 new theory
- ENIHCAMBUS's Loop theory (523)
- 442 karma portal design updated to match the rest
- SWT ↔ FSR karma portal can now be detected from a farther distance away
- 001 bug fixed where the gate to the right of the portal was originally open even if the bell was in the closed position
- 859 glitch fixed where players were able to click through the book of notes extremely fast and create two books overlaying each other, which also affected item placement
- 992 dragon statue can now have a stone tongue placed in and removed from its mouth
- Total
- 67 theories
V4.5.4.2 (December 23, 2017)[]
- Changed ingame menu close button to upper right "X" to stop it from interfering with the inventory at the bottom
V4.5.4.3 (January 6, 2018)[]
- "Bug fixes"
- Fixed issue with two new puzzles in 000/MNT and TBK being unsolvable if the solution was the default combination
- 1 new theory
- SDRanger's Secrets Theory (OXT)
- Total
- 68 theories
V4.5.5 (March 8, 2023)[]
- Graphical and audio improvements
- Removed Notebook item (000)
- Total
- 40 items (29 unique)
V4.5.5.1 (June 18, 2023)[]
- New Main Menu
- Added Notebook back (000)
- Total
- 41 items (30 unique)
V4.5.5.2 (November 5, 2024)[]
- Edited options in Main Menu
V4.5.5.3 (November 11, 2024)[]
- Edited options in Main Menu