Walkthrough update in progress (the whole walkthrough will be overhauled soon)
- Get into the pyramid
- Go the right until you see the elephants. Take the brass rod. Put it into the slot and click on it.
- Go one screen to the left and go through the door. Go right until you see the brass jug standing on the window. Take it, go back outside, and go left to the fountain.
- Put the jug under the pipe spilling green liquid into the stream. Fill the jug with the karmic water.
- Go back into the door and go right until you see the bowl. Pour karmic water into the bowl. Take the cog wheel.
- Go left one screen and go into the dark room. Pour karmic water into that bowl. Place the cog wheel into the circular space, and click the stick protruding from the cog.
- Go left all the way until you crawl into the pyramid.
- Get into the temple
- Go left until you see a ring on a pole. Click on the ring. Go up the ladder.
- Go left, pour karmic water into the bowl and click on the ring.
- Go right twice and take the brass scarab. Go left, down, right and place the scarab into the slot. Take the piece of a stone key.
- Go left, back up, then left.
- Go up, then left. Pick up the other piece of a stone key, then combine the pieces in your inventory. Put the stone key into the lock, and go down.
- Go left, click on your navigator, and switch to Layer 5. Grab the brass key, put it into the lock, and go left. Climb down the boxes.
- Go right, down, right, right (click on top of the temple roof), and right.
- Click on your navigator. Switch to Layer 4 and pour karmic water into the funnel. Switch to Layer 7 and do the same thing. Switch to Layer 1 and push down the lever.
- Go left 4 times, then down. Go left twice, and switch to Layer 6. You need to find four brass tiles to place in the slots.
- Tile 1 (they aren't numbered in-game): Go right twice, up, then left twice. Click on the air shaft, and take the brass tile.
- Tile 2: Go right as far as you can. Take the brass tile on the ground next to the statue.
- Tile 3: Go left 5 times, down, then right once. Take the stone tablet on the ground, then go left, up, and left. Place the tablet in the slot, and go up. Take the brass tile.
- Tile 4: Go down, right twice, up, right twice, and take the key on the ground. Go left 3 times, then up. Take the bowl. Go right twice and place the bowl on the pedestal. Pour karmic water into the bowl. Go up, then right twice. Use the key on the box, and take the brass tile.
- Go left twice, down, left twice, down, right, down, left, down, left twice, and place the four tiles in the panel. The floor will turn into a staircase.
- Go down, right three times, then down to the bottom. Take the bowl, go back up to the top, and go left three times. Go up the stairs and go right 4 times.
- Place the bowl on the hook and pour karmic water into it. Go right 4 times, then down one. Go left twice, then go down to the bottom.
- Getting into the Shiva section
- Go left once. The entrance to the Shiva section is under the statue. Go right twice. This mechanism moves the statue. Your goal is to find two golden seals to place in the top of the machine.
- Go left once, then up the stairs to the top. Go right twice, up, then left all the way to the end. Take the lever, then go right 9 times, down, and right 3 times.
- Place the lever on the machine, and pull it. Go left 3 times, up, right, up, left. Take the stone eye.
- Go right, down, left 9 times, down, left once, and take the stone eye. Go right, up, right 8 times, down, left twice, and down the stairs to the bottom.
- Go left 5 times, down twice, left 4 times, up twice, and forward twice.
- Place one of the stone eyes on the indentation above the carving's head. Take the golden seal of Murtaugh from his tomb.
- Go back, right and pour karmic water into the bowl the statue is holding. Go through the portal.
- Click on the latch on the little box and take the brass key. Go back through the portal, left, back, down twice, right 4 times, up twice, and right until you reach the gate.
- Put the brass key into the slot. Go right 3 times, forward twice, and place the other stone eye on the indentation above the carving's head. Take the golden seal of Elizabeth from her tomb.
- Go back twice, left 5 times, and place the two golden seals into the top of the machine. Pull both the levers, go left twice, and go down to the bottom.
- You will need a climbing rope and a valve to descend.
- Go back up to the top. Go right, up to the top, right twice, up, left 6 times, up, right, up, right, and take the cover off the bowl. Take the brass sphere and pour karmic water into the bowl. Take the karmic seal.
- Go left, down, left, down, right 6 times, down, right once. Switch to layer 2 and place the karmic seal into the opening. Go left 3 times, and down to the bottom.
- Go right 6 times, forward, left, and place the brass sphere in the lower opening. Go through the portal. Go right, take the climbing rope, go left, and go back through the portal. Go right, back, and left 11 times.
- Go down twice, left 4 times, up twice, right once, and take the cap off the bottle. Pour karmic water into the bottle, and take the karmic seal. Go left, down twice, right 4 times, up twice, and right 5 times.
- Go up to the top, and right 3 times. Switch to layer 5 and place the karmic seal into the opening. Switch to layer 6 and take the valve.
- Go left 3 times, down the stairs to the bottom, left once, and down to the bottom.
- Put the valve at the top of the pole, click on it, then place the climbing rope on the hook. Go down.
- Finishing the game
- When the cutscene ends, go down. Go right 4 times, switch to layer 3 and go through the karma portal. Push the lever and take the 3 wisdom gems.
- Go back through the karma portal and go left once. Switch to layer 2 and put the first wisdom gem in the slot. Switch to layer 4 and put the second wisdom gem in the slot. Switch to layer 6 and put the last wisdom gem in the slot. Go left and take the turquoise button. Combine it with the navigator in your inventory.
- Switch to layer 8. Go left 9 times and click on the white circle.
Congratulations. You have finished Submachine 9.
In Submachine 9, the notes are written on pedestals. At any time during the game, you can stop and read a pedestal.
Once the game is finished, it gives you two options: to go to the main menu or to go back to the game. If you go back to find the secrets and you hadn't gotten any secrets in your first playthrough, then you need to restart the game because there is one secret that you cannot reach if you go back to the game after you finished.
Finding the Secrets
- Secret 1
- In the highest red floor, where you had to place a bowl to make a karmic-water ladder, take the ladder rung from the ground. Do NOT use it on the ladder! If you do, you won't be able to take it out and you will have to restart the game to find this secret.
- Go to the middle gray floor, two screens to the right of the karmic-water bridge, and switch to layer 4. Place the ladder rung on the device, click on it, and take Secret 1 from the base.
- Secret 2
- In each staircase leading to the temple (the left one is blocked off with red resin), there is a bell hanging at the top. You can hit the bells with your hammer.
- Hit both bells with your hammer, then go back up to the highest gray floor and go to the right until you see the Mesoamerican-style golden statue. Take Secret 2 from its forehead.
- Secret 3
- Go 6 screens to the left of the base of the staircase to the temple and click on the bowl. Pull it out of the sand, and take it. Go back up the stairs to the pyramid, and go right until you see the circle on the ground with a hole in the middle. Place the bowl into the hole, and pour karmic water into it. Set the lever so the "T" is upside down.
- Go back down into the temple, go left 5 times, down twice, and left twice. Go up the ladder (switched by that lever) to the top and take Secret 3.
- Secret 4
- To the right of Elizabeth's tomb, there is a statue of a cow. At the base of the statue is a switch. Turn the switch, then go to Murtaugh's tomb. At the left of his tomb is another cow statue. Take Secret 4 from the statue.
- Secret 5
- At the location where you place the valve and climbing rope, go left and switch to layer 5. Take the brass scale at the bottom right of the screen (hard to see), then go right, up to the top, right, up to the top, right twice, up, right twice.
- Place the scale on the device and tip it to the left. Go left twice, down, left twice, down to the bottom, and right twice. Go down and push the lever.
- Go up, left twice, up to the top, right twice, up, right twice, and tip the scale to the right. Go left twice, down, left twice, down to the bottom, and right 6 times. Go down and take Secret 5.
Using the Secrets
- You can only access the secrets when you click "go back to the game" once you have finished the game.
- Go right, up to the top, and right 3 times. Switch to layer 8, if you haven't already, and take the brass key.
- Go left, up, left 8 times, up, right, up, and right twice. Enter the tunnel (that only appears in layer 8).
- Place the brass key in the slot, go right and go through the portal.
- To access the secrets, go left and place 4 secrets in Nataraja's four hands and the 5th secret on his forehead. Go through each of the 5 portals to read each of the 5 secrets.
- Once you have read them all, go to the left of the Nataraja statue and click the "end game" button.
See also[]
v · d · eWalkthroughs |
1: the Basement • 2: the Lighthouse • 3: the Loop • 4: the Lab • 5: the Root • 6: the Edge • 7: the Core • 8: the Plan • 9: the Temple • 10: the Exit • Ancient Adventure • Future Loop Foundation • FLF • 32 Chambers • Submachine Universe • Sketch of Submachine 2 |