Submachine Wiki
Submachine Wiki

Pretty interesting for those who don't really understand how the Acidic Oxyde was formed. Chemical lessons ftw :D Ogt2 10:32, April 8, 2010 (UTC) Ogt2, Thursday 8th April 12:32 PM 2010.

Citric acid vs metals[]

On this site it says [citric acid] "Pure solution can be used too but it can etch aluminum".

Couldn't the box be of a very reactive metal such as Mg or Al?

Just asking


  • I sectioned the page by chemical in alphabetical order rather than by Submachine, as water is found in two Submachine games. This way, if the same chemical is present in more than one game, we'll only need one section for it.
  • The water molecule diagram had to be changed to be more technical - the other was too cartoon-like to give a professional appearance.
  • The second theory that discusses citric acid being more concentrated is wrong. Concentration is not related to strength. An acid's strength depends on the extent of dissociation of its ions. This is a huge and very common misconception. I removed this theory from the paragraph.
  • Someone really researched their chemistry improperly. The acidic oxide formed in game is not a form of naphthalenesulfonic acid. The formation of such an acid requires the presence of sulfuric acid (hence, sulfonation). Sulfuric acid is not found in water, soap, or iron(III) trioxide. The acidic oxide found in-game is ultimately unknown and probably does not exist in real life.

Zerpentos 21:23, July 16, 2010 (UTC)