Submachine Wiki


For some reason even though there's a lot of stuff here I'm having trouble narrowing things down and picking out a specific trait the room has. My mind is settling on the wood floors, of all things, for some reason. Or maybe something with the PDS. Thoughts? Jatsko (talk) 22:47, December 21, 2017 (UTC)

Looks like a Cluttered Closet to me. Galaco44 (talk) 00:50, December 22, 2017 (UTC)

Violet House. Anteroinen1 (talk) 10:45, December 22, 2017 (UTC)

It's not really violet though... Galaco44 (talk) 16:54, December 22, 2017 (UTC)
Well what is it then? Anteroinen1 (talk) 01:54, December 27, 2017 (UTC)
Galaco is right. The room is technically more lavender than violet, and violet is actually much closer to the color of the room currently named "lavender room". And yes, I know that Mat coordinated that one LAV. He doesn't know his colors :P Jatsko (talk) 02:38, December 27, 2017 (UTC)
call it the net neutrality room :) NAME REDACTED the citra (talk) 01:25, December 27, 2017 (UTC)
Rooms are named for what's inside them and their apparent function; "net neutrality" has no actual connection to the room itself. We're open to other suggestions. Jatsko (talk) 01:47, December 27, 2017 (UTC)

Would people be okay with ditching Mat's coordinate suggestion and renaming this one to Lavender Room and LAV to something more descriptive of what's inside it? Jatsko (talk) 19:30, December 31, 2017 (UTC)

It's not Lavender though... Galaco44 (talk) 20:11, December 31, 2017 (UTC)
Well it's a lot closer to lavender than the other room is.
You could always suggest another color name yourself too, you know. Rather than just saying "nah it's not violet" and then saying "nah it's not really lavender either". What color would you use to describe it? Though it looks like you don't care that much about having a color name anyway, so never mind.
"Cluttered closet" doesn't really do much to describe what's in the location itself. But if no one has anything else...I know I don't. I can't figure out what part of the room to focus on for a name. Jatsko (talk) 21:45, December 31, 2017 (UTC)
For what it is worth, I do not think the colours lavender and violet are that different in the first place. I definitely don't think we should go changing lav from lavender room, since that was obvious, nigh unanimous and fit the coordinates. Anteroinen1 (talk) 12:42, January 1, 2018 (UTC)
No. Word of SubGod takes precedence over anything we say*. "Primary security gate" works here. Montinevra (talk) 04:03, January 1, 2018 (UTC)
This is not the gate itself though. The gate is located somewhere else. And "Primary security gate controls" is way too long, IMO. Anteroinen1 (talk) 12:42, January 1, 2018 (UTC)
I'm sure everyone will figure out an appropriate name that is not a lavander room title for a room that doesn't even come close to matching with it. As for Primary Security Gate Controls, the name could always be shortened to Main Gate Control or something along those lines. Get creative, just not with colors haha. Galaco44 (talk) 16:24, January 1, 2018 (UTC)
What is your problem with colours? Anteroinen1 (talk) 01:06, January 2, 2018 (UTC)
Primary Gate Control? I mean, the gate is the only descriptive thing about this location, we have to use it. Phragmites (talk) 21:22, January 8, 2018 (UTC)

Looks like this room is based on Javipopotter's drawing, so that explains the coordinates. Maybe Javipopotter's Chambers, if colours are too painful for us? Anteroinen1 (talk) 10:18, January 18, 2018 (UTC)

We don't usually name locations after people, iirc. Coordinates, yes, but not the actual names. Phragmites (talk) 14:43, January 18, 2018 (UTC)