There's some great info here. Where did it come from, though? Some sources would be awesome. Mordikai wartwunson (talk) 04:07, October 15, 2013 (UTC)
where the f**k is tile c? i can't find it anywhere in jsk
and how do you open the portal in aqa?
- Well first of all, you're looking in the right place in jsk. However you need to use the sigil somewhere else to activate it first.
- For the portal in aqa, you'll need to find an item to use in the open slot on the power source that gives power to everything else in the area via the pipes.
- Try not to be too hasty and vulgar in your questioning; we try to be nice to each other here. Also keep in mind that the update hasn't even been out for half a day, so there's no need to have all the answers right away. It's not a race. Have fun exploring! Jatsko (talk)
- first of, all i meant jts ( my bad) second of all, i cannot find where you are supposed to use the sugil (now that i'm thinking about it, i might be willing to give the panel in 000 a try). third of all, i do sincerely apologize for the vulgar questionnaire, but i usually don't ask for help until my patience has completely depleted so... sorry. ps. (oh god the [REDACTED the power source they showed it in the [REDACTED]. i'm such an idiot)
- ok, it's all figured out now. now all i have to do is wait and see where the tiles and the aforementioned panel in 000 (definitely where the sigil goes) come in. thx. NAME REDACTED the citra (talk) 22:53, November 6, 2017 (UTC)
- submachine is love...
- submachine is life...
me when there is a new update
NAME REDACTED the citra (talk) 23:20, November 7, 2017 (UTC)
I CLEARLY was not through enough yesterday.
I have shit to do after school today.
And LOTS of it. (only discovered 616 and KIM)
NAME REDACTED the citra (talk) 11:36, December 21, 2017 (UTC)