Hey everyone, I'm new here:
I Want to introduce myself, I'm Murtaugh (Wonder where I got that name from...), and I'm a Sub-Fan. Along with myself, I want to introduce some theories I have pondered about. I think that "The Core" is not a machine, but rather a being, although on its appearance I am indecisive. It might be related to the sphinx, as a LOT of clues would point to this. First off, throughout the whole Submachine series, it is obvious that ther are many references to mythical creatures, along with extinct religoins. Foremost of these is the Egyptian mythology. Secondly, In "The Lighthouse", The Player reads a note about Einstien the cat. In the note, Skutnik mentions that "Cats are capable of breaking the time and space barrier as they wish," which is exactly related to the sub net, which is: A Network of Inter-Connected Sub-Dimension that span through time and space.
Also, to clear something up:
Murtaugh is in fact human. He is the one who went to Kent, and lost (And gained) an arm. He is the only human capable of traveling the Sub-Net at will without a submachine ,therefore he is an enemy of what ever is in control of The Core.